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Election fever grips Scartaglen N.S.
The boys and girls in 5th and 6th Class have been taking part in their very own election campaign around the school over the last two weeks. They were divided up into four parties: Green, Red, Yellow and Blue. Each party had to elect a party leader, deputy leader, campaign manager, director of elections, spokesperson and canvasser. They had to create a manifesto with practical and achievable ideas that they would be using as part of their campaign. They also created promotional videos which can be viewed on the school website. We even had a visit from Kerry’s Eye and Kerry Radio! Every child in the school will vote on Thursday. Best of luck to all the parties!!!
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An Ríocht Athletics
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who participated in the athletics competition at An Ríocht. The weather was beautiful and the sun was certainly out for Scartaglen N.S. as we had a fantastic day bringing home lots of medals!! The children took part in many events from 60m, 80m and 100m sprints to 600m long distance runs. We also took part in the long jump, shot putt, javelin and relay events. Many of our winners made it through to the county finals. Well done to all the athletes from 1st to 6th class. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Ms. O' Connor, Katie and Sheila for all their coaching and encouragement.
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Easter Egg Hunt
We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt in the school on the day of the Easter Holidays. It was organised by the Parent's Council. The children had great fun finding the eggs which were hidden around the school. Thanks to the members of the Parent's Council for organising and funding this enjoyable event.
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Castleisland Mini-Sevens
4th/5th/6th Class boys and girls took part in the Castleisland district Mini-Sevens competition last week. Both teams played really well with the girls winning the competition for the third year in a row! They will now progress onto the County Finals in Tralee next week. Thanks to Ms. O’ Connor, Mr. Moroney and Sheila for accompanying the teams and to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her coaching.
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Confirmation 2019
Well done to Jack, Alan, Seán, Gavin, Luke, Aidan, Mikaela, Máire, Rachel, Charlie, Tara, Katie, Mollie and Shauna in 6th Class on celebrating their Confirmation on Tuesday 26th March in Castleisland. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Bishop Ray Browne and many of the priests from the Castleisland parish and nearby parishes. He spoke to the children about embracing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Thanks to everyone who made the day a really special one.
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First Confession
Well done to all of the boys and girls in 2nd class on celebrating their First Confession on Thursday 7th March in Scartaglen Church. It was a lovely ceremony celebrated by Fr. Seán Horgan. He spoke to the children about the importance of saying sorry when you do something wrong. A special word of thanks to their teacher Ms. Eilís McCarthy for all her hard work preparing the children for this special night.
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St. Patrick's Day 2019
Scartaglen N.S. marched in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Castleisland. Our theme was "World Book Day". It was great fun and despite the cold weather there was a brilliant turnout. The boys and girls made a huge effort with their costumes. There were lots of literary characters represented from Harry Potter to Where’s Wally to Gangsta Granny and a selection of Princesses! Thanks to everyone who took part and made it a very memorable day.
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World Book Day
There was huge excitement as the pupils dressed up as their favourite literary character. They also brought in the book in which their character features and read an extract for their class. The staff even got involved with Harry Potter, The Mad Hatter and Charlie from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory roaming the corridors! We hope that World Book Day will spark an interest in books and foster a love of reading in the children. All of the activities that took place on the day had a focus on literacy. Each pupil received a book voucher that entitles them to claim a free book from their local bookshop.
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Pancake Tuesday
We were all treated to a wonderful day on Pancake Tuesday. The Parent's Council worked very hard to provide pancakes for every child in the school. There were an amazing variety of toppings on offer including strawberries, blueberries, grapes, nutella, maple-syrup and even ice-cream! All proceeds from the day go to charity. A huge thanks to the Parent's Council for this special day which is certainly one of the highlights of the year for the pupils!
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Heritage Ireland - Birds of Prey
We had a visit from Tony Kenneally whom works with Heritage Ireland recently. He visited 1st - 6th classes and showed us some amazing birds and animals. He taught us a lot about Irish birds and in particular about birds of prey. The highlight was the incredible stuffed Sparrowhawk and Peregrine Falcon!
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Concern Schools Debating 2019
The boys and girls in 5th and 6th Class have been engaging in classroom debates throughout the year. They recently had the wonderful opportunity of entering the Concern Schools Debating Competition in Tralee Education Centre. The topic of the debate was: “Climate Change is not our problem”. Scartaglen N.S. were proposing the motion. Well done to all the team who took part. It was an exciting debate and a great experience for the entire class. Thanks to Ms. O’ Connor and Mr. Moroney for all their help preparing for the debate.
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Credit Union Quiz Teams
Well done to our two quiz teams that represented Scartaglen N.S. at the Credit Union Quiz in the Brandon Hotel, Tralee. The Junior Quiz team was made up of students from 3rd and 4th Class: Niamh O’ Donnell, Edel O’ Donoghue, Ryan Walsh-Murphy and Adam Caldwell. The Senior Quiz team was made up of students from 6th Class: Máire Daly, Jack O’ Donoghue, Charlie O’ Keeffe and Aidan Young. There were schools from all over the county represented. Both teams performed really well. They had a great day and enjoyed the quiz. Well done to all involved and a special word of thanks to the parents who provided transport and encouragement on the day.
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Green Schools Water Forum
The Green Team attended a Water Forum in The Heights Hotel in Killarney recently. The children learned about marine pollution and ways to save water in school and at home. Irish Water spoke to the children about water treatment. They really enjoyed the day! Thanks to Mrs. Doody and Sarah and also to the parents who provided transport.
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School Chess Team
The school chess team took part in their first competition recently in Castleisland. 16 pupils from second class up to sixth class played in the competition. They were divided into teams of four with one of our teams winning medals. It was great fun and they really enjoyed taking part! Thanks to Ms. O’ Connor and Sheila for accompanying the team.
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Playground Leaders
As part of our Active School Flag 3rd/4th Class have been helping the infants play games at break time. The Playground Leaders take it in turns to organise games and activities for Junior and Senior Infants. They are really enjoying the experience. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her work on the Active Schools Programme.
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Sliabh Luachra Musician in Residence
Scartaglen N.S. were delighted to be visited by the Sliabh Luachra Musician in Residence, Eoin O' Sullivan. He visited each classroom and played some tunes. Eoin also invited children in the classes to play their own instruments and joined in for a trad session with 5th and 6th Class. It was great fun!
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Christmas Concert
We had a night to remember in Scartaglen Heritage Centre on the 13th December when we had our Christmas Show. There were two shows with Junior & Senior Infants and 1st/2nd Class performing in the Junior Show and 3rd to 6th Class performing in the Senior show. There was a great buzz in the hall and everybody really enjoyed the show! Well done to all the boys and girls for working really hard preparing for this memorable night. A huge thank you to the teachers and staff for all their hard work. Scartaglen N.S. would also like to thank everybody for their generous donations on the night.
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Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class took part in drumming classes with Urs Wenk each Friday while the rest of the school attended swimming. It was great fun and the children really enjoyed making their own music! We would like to thank the Parent’s Council for part-funding this event.
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2nd - 6th Class travelled to Killarney Sports and Leisure Centre for 6 weeks of swimming lessons. It was very exciting heading off on the bus each Friday and we have all improved our swimming skills! Thanks to the Parent's Council for funding the bus for the 6 weeks.
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3rd-6th Class are taking part in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) every Thursday. They are learning lots of new skills including construction, engineering, coding and working with the green screen. They are also designing computer games and developing their maths skills on Khan Academy. It is a lot of fun working together and learning these new skills.

The Crocus Project
5th and 6th Class are taking part in the Crocus Project. As part of this Project they have been learning all about World War II and the Holocaust. They planted crocus bulbs to remember the 1.5 million children who died during the Holocaust.

Cumann na mBunscol
Well done to the Senior Boys Football team who won in the Cumann na mBunscol Football competition in Scartaglen recently. They played Kilmurry, Currow and Nohoval. They will now advance to the next round. Thanks to Mrs. Fitzpatrick for all her coaching.

Junior Infant Class of 2018
We are delighted to welcome our new Junior Infants to Scartaglen National School. We are sure they will be very happy in our school!

Mrs. O' Sullivan returns to plant a tree
Mrs. O' Sullivan came back to Scartaglen N.S. to plant a tree. All of the boys and girls were delighted to see her. Best of luck in your retirement!
news from the classrooms
News from the Classrooms will return in September. Enjoy the summer holidays!
Junior Infants (Ms. Casey):
Senior Infants (Ms. O' Connor):
1st/2nd Class (Ms. McCarthy):
3rd/4th Class (Mr. Johnson):
5th/6th Class (Mr. Moroney):
News Archive
School Year 2017/18
School Year 2016/17
School Year 2015/16